TNEB Job 2021 | Recruiting for Assistant Account Officer Post
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TNEB Job 2021: Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited released the official notification for recruiting posts of Assistant Account Officer. According to recruitment notification no. 01/2021 published on date 15 February 2021, there are a total of 18 vacant. This is a good opportunity to work with Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited. If you are interested in working with Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited and want to apply for TNEB Job 2021, you have to apply online before the date 16 March 2021.

TNEB Job 2021 Summary
Organization Name | Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited |
Post/Titles | Assistant Account Officer |
Last Date | 16 March 2021 |
Age limit | 18 to 30 years |
Salary | 56300/- to 178000/- INR per month. |
No of Posts | 18 |
Official Website | |
Eligibility Criteria
Post | Education |
Assistant Accounts Officer | Candidate has to pass the final examination pass out conducted by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or Institute of Cost of India. |
Age Relaxation
- No upper age limit criteria applicable for ST, SC, SC(A), BCM, BCO, MBC/DC, ex-serviceman and widows candidates.
- For the other categories candidates age upper limit criteria would be max 30 years old.
- 10 Years of age relaxation granted on upper age limit for differently abled persons.
- For the ex-serviceman officers candidates should not be more than 48 years old.
Selection Process
For the selection of the post of Assistant Account Officer, the candidates have to pass a computer based test. Candidates will be selected on the basis of computer based test score and reservation category. Before computer based tests,shortlisted candidates will have to go for certification verification for marks obtained by the candidates. The upcoming CBT examination will be divided into two parts. In the first part, 40 marks will be based on Post Graduate Standard and 60 marks will be based on CA / CMA Standard. Candidates have to clear 100 marks exam within 2 hours.
- Post Graduation Standard (Part-1,40 Marks):- 1) General Knowledge, 2) Logical Reasoning. 3) English.
- CA/CMA standard (Part-2, 60 Marks):- Financial and Cost Accountancy.
Hall ticket:- Hall tickets will be provided to the qualified candidate after online application screening. To download the hall ticket, the candidates will have to check on the TANGEDCO website.Candidates have to download from the hall ticket website.
Examination Centres:- Regarding the examination centre notification soon will be updated on the official website of Tamil Nadu generation and distribution Corporation Limited.
Application Fees
- For SC/ST/EWS/PDW/Woman:- 1000/- INR
- For UR/OBC/Other:-2000/- INR
Note:- 1) Candidate will have to pay GST tax on application fees. 2) The application fee paid for the examination will not be refunded under any circumstances. 3) The TANGEDCO not in any way be responsible for transaction failure or error.
Important Date
- Application submission start date is 15 February 2021.
- The last date to apply to TNEB Job 2021 is 16 March 2021
- The last date for challan payment from Canara Bank/Bank of India/India Overseas Bank is 19 March 2021..
Important Links
- Official Notification PDF of TNEB Job 2021.
- Official website of TANGEDCO.
- Online application link of TNEB Recruitment 2021.
How to Apply TNEB Job 2021
Interested candidates can apply to TNEB Job 2021 through the official website of the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited till the date 12 March 2021. Before applying to any posts, please read the official notification PDF of TNEB Job 2021 published by Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited.
Step by step apply to TNEB recruitment 2021
- The candidate has to visit the official website to apply and after that click on the online application portal.
- Candidates have to fill the application by following the guidelines issued by Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited.
- If a candidate is applying for the first time, then they have to register one time.
- After one time user registration, the candidate has to fill the information in the given fields such as personal information, educational certificate and upload the required scan document.
- After creating the profile, candidates can apply for any post as they wish.
- Candidates will have to pay the application fee as per their reservation claim.
- On payment of application fee, print out the application fee receipt.
- After the application process and application fees, the candidate has to take a print out of the application form and keep it safe..
Important Notes
- Minimum 30% of vacancies reserved for women candidates. If women candidates are not qualified or not selected as much reserved vacancies, so those available categories will be transferred to male candidates.
- Appointed candidates for the post of Assistant Account Officer will have to bring a Physical Fitness Certificate from the Medical Officer selected by TANGEDCO.
- Candidates will have to prove the form for relaxation in age limit or relaxation in examination fee, otherwise, the candidate application will be rejected.
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Q. How to contact regarding the clarification for TANGEDCO recruitment 2021?
Candidates can contact the TANGEDCO office for application information or guidance or contact this Telephone No.044-28522256 number or they can ask their inquiries on this email id .