BKNMU Recruitment 2021 Job Listing thumbnail.

BKNMU Recruitment 2021 for Teaching & Non-Teaching Posts

Government Jobs Gujrat

BKNMU Recruitment 2021: Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University recently has published the official recruitment notification for the post of Teaching Assistant, Physical Training Instructor, Assistant Registrar, Supervisor (Civil), Research Advisor-Facilitator, Junior Engineer (Civil), Statistical Analyst, PA to Vice-Chancellor, Account Clerk, Network Engineer, Operation Assistant (Media Cell), and Store Officer. As per the published notification no. 04/2021 currently, there is a total number of 21 vacancies available. This is a very good opportunity to work with Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University. If you are interested to apply for BKNMU Recruitment 2021, read the given below eligibility criteria and apply online before the last date 15th November 2021.

BKNMU Recruitment 2021 Job Summary

Organization NameBhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University
Post/TitlesAssistant Registrar, Teaching Assistant, Physical Training Instructor, Junior Engineer (Civil), Supervisor (Civil), Research Advisor-Facilitator, Account Clerk, Statistical Analyst, PA to Vice-Chancellor, Store Officer, Network Engineer, and Operation Assistant (Media Cell).
Last Date15th November 2021
No of Posts21
Job LocationGujarat
Official Websitebknmu.edu.in

Eligibility Criteria

Education Qualification
Technical Assistant
M.Sc/MA and Ph.D./GSET/NET in Forensic Science/Chemistry/Environmental Science/Zoology/Microbiology/English/Sociology with minimum 55% marks or M.Sc/MA in Forensic Science/Chemistry/Environmental Science/Zoology/Microbiology/English/Sociology with 60% marks from a recognized institution/university.
Assistant Registrar
Master’s degree in any discipline with minimum 55% marks and CCC certification with at least 05 years of administrative experience in Semi Govt./Govt/Academic Institution.
Physical Training Instructor
M.P.Ed with at least 55% marks without grasping and a minimum of 03 years of experience as a Team Manager/Coach in Higher Education Institute with CCC certification.
Supervisor (Civil)
Civil Engineering Degree with at least 55% marks and a minimum of 5 years of experience in the construction of building works. Or Civil Engineering Diploma with at least 60% marks and a minimum of 08 years of experience in the construction of Building works.
Junior Engineer (Civil)
Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering with at least 55% marks and a minimum of 02 years of experience in the construction of building work. or Diploma in Civil Engineering with at least 60% marks and a minimum of 05 years of experience in the construction of building works.
Research Advisor-Facilitator
i) Post-graduate degree in any discipline with at least 55% marks and Ph.D. in any discipline. ii) Minimum 05 years of experience in relevant field. ii) Proficiency in English/Hindi/Gujarati is essential and should computer knowledge.
Statistical Analyst
i) Post-graduate degree in mathematics, statistics, or any relevant discipline with at least 55% marks from a recognized institution/university. ii) Minimum 03 years of experience required in statistical methodologies and techniques and proficiency in English/Hindi/Gujarati is essential.
Account Clerk
Master’s degree in Commerce with at least 55% marks Or first-class division bachelor’s degree in Commerce with minimum 02 years of administrative experience with Audit/Account Work and should have knowledge of Tally Software.
PA to Vice-Chancellor
Master’s degree in any discipline with at least 05 years of administrative experience in educational institutions and proficient in MS office applications.
Network Engineer
M.Sc in IT or MCA with minimum 55% marks or first-class division BE (CE/IT/EC) and CCNA certification from CISCO.
Store Officer
Master’s degree in any discipline with at least 55% marks and minimum 03 years of experience related to purchasing policy and administrative matters, N-Procure, GEM Portal, etc.
Operation Assistant (Media Cell)
Master’s degree in any stream with at least 55% marks or first-class division Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with minimum 02 years of experience and computer applications knowledge.

Salary Details and Age Limit

Job TitleSalaryAge limit
Teaching Assistant25,000/- to 30,000/-18 to 50 Years
Assistant Registrar20,000/-18 to 50 Years
Physical Training Instructor25,000/-18 to 50 Years
Supervisor (Civil)20,000/-18 to 50 Years
Junior Engineer (Civil)15,000/-18 to 50 Years
Research Advisor-Facilitator40,000/-18 to 50 Years
Statistical Analyst25,000/-18 to 50 Years
Account Clerk12,500/-18 to 50 Years
PA to Vice-Chancellor25,000/-18 to 50 Years
Network Engineer18,000/-18 to 50 Years
Store Officer20,000/-18 to 50 Years
Operation Assistant (Media Cell)15,000/-18 to 50 Years

BKNMU Recruitment 2021 No of Post Details

Job TitlesCount
Teaching Assistant (Forensic Science)03
Teaching Assistant (Chemistry)01
Teaching Assistant (Environmental Science)02
Teaching Assistant (Zoology)01
Teaching Assistant (Microbiology)01
Teaching Assistant (English)01
Teaching Assistant (Sociology)01
Assistant Registrar01
Supervisor (Civil)01
Physical Training Instructor01
Research Advisor-Facilitator01
Junior Engineer (Civil)01
Account Clerk01
Statistical Analyst01
Network Engineer01
PA to Vice-Chancellor01
Operation Assistant (Media Cell)01
Store Officer01

Important Date

  • Application submission start date is 01st November 2021.
  • Last date to apply to BKNMU Recruitment 2021 is 15th November 2021.

Important Links

How to Apply BKNMU Recruitment 2021

Interested candidates will have an online application form through the official website of Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University or just click on the above-given link to apply and submit your application before the last date 15th November 2021. Before applying to BKNMU Recruitment 2021, read the recruitment notification PDF and follow the instructions and guidelines given by Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University.

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