10 Habits of Successful Job Seekers that Land Your Next Job Fast (2020)
Table of Contents
Job search is hard especially during a pandemic or economic crisis, but today I’m going to share with you 10 habits of highly successful job seekers to help you land your next job faster. I’ve jam-packed this article with some of my best job search advice so, grab a pen and paper, and get ready to take.
What makes a successful job seeker, is someone who adapts to the current job market, who learns the most progressive, and effective techniques and strategies for finding their next job and utilizes them. In this article, I’ll explain the 10 habits of highly successful job seekers that you can employ, pardon the pun, and throughout this article I’ll give you some of my free downloadable to help you on your job search journey. In 2019 before COVID 19 hit the world, it took an average of nine weeks for job seekers to find a new job, and 20 percent of unemployed people took 27 weeks or longer to find new employment. Now, that varies greatly based on the type of position industry, geography, and how much effort the person into their job search.
Fast-forward to late 2020 amid the second wave of this COVID 19 pandemic with some of the highest unemployment rates in decades of business closings or downsizing, you can imagine how much more competitive the market is to find a new job. I know that might sound a little depressing. However, through every crisis comes an opportunity, and there are many industries booming, and companies thriving thanks to COVID 19. Such as, in technology, and IT, pharmaceuticals, medical, and medical supplies, government, healthcare, manufacturing, online retail, brick and mortar retail, telecommunication, engineering, and architecture. There’s an increased demand in all of those industries for roles such as cashiers, store clerks, shelf stalkers, cleaners, customer services professionals, financial advisors, IT support, data security professionals, web developers, software engineers, telecom installers, repair technicians, public service workers, administrative roles, manufacturing line workers, quality control, warehousing, and transportation reporters, editors, video production, and digital marketing. Now, I feel a little bit better, don’t you?
Habit #1 Know your value
This might sound easy, but I work with job seekers on a daily basis, many of whom have been let go from a job, have lost their confidence and self-esteem, and after being in a job for a long time or have gone through several jobs in a short time are feeling unsure about they have to offer an employer. If, this sounds like you then do some self-reflection and make a list, ask yourself “What are my unique talents, and greatest strengths? What am I known for my customer? Service, communication, and listening skill’s efficiency to get things done quickly, my ability to view problems from all angles and devise practical solutions” Knowing your value will help not only make it easier to talk about yourself in interviews, but It will also make things like negotiating your salary easier.
Habit #2 Determine your target objective
To speed up success in your job search it’s very important to clearly know and identify what your job and industry targets are? Ask yourself “where do I want to work? What do I want my life to look like?” identify what types of jobs align with your skills experience, values, and then look for jobs at companies, where their culture fits with your needs, and values. Not sure what your values are check my article on how to determine find and land your dream job?, which include my free values assessment. If you’re feeling panicked or desperate about finding a job and are indiscriminately sending your untargeted resume to every job posting you see, then you’re really doing yourself a disservice. You will get further discouraged and anxious the more resumes you send and the less calls you receive. So, determine your position and industry target and focus on sending your tailored resume to those targets.
Habit #3 Updates or upgrade your skills
If you haven’t taken a professional development course in the past 12 to 18 months, then you haven’t learned anything new or kept up to date with current technology. Just because you use Microsoft Word or Excel every day, doesn’t mean you’re at an intermediate or advanced level. Employers are impressed by and want to see that you’re current and that you care about investing in your own personal and professional development. If, you haven’t taken a communication, leadership, team building, service, or software upgrade course in the last couple of years. Then now, is the best time to refresh yourself by seeking some low-cost, or free workshops or training courses. There are excellent low-cost and self-paced online training options such as, Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, and my personal favorite for software training is vtc.com, which I’ve been using and recommending for more than 16 years. There are many more online training course options nowadays, as well as many universities, and colleges now offer short online courses, just use your good old best friend Google to help you find courses. Also, check with your local library for free course options, my local regional library provides Lynda.com courses for free to library cardholders.
Habit #4 Create a target list
Identify companies you would like to work for based on industry, geography, their mission, and values that align with your own. Try to target growing companies which you can discover through research then approach those companies directly don’t wait for job posting be researching who the hiring manager is of your target job, and then introduce yourself. LinkedIn is a great resource for finding managers, and sometimes you can find the person’s email listing in their Linkedin contact info or through company website directories.
Habit #5 Network
If, you don’t have a large network, start building one it’s never too late. You can start with family and friends, and then make a list of who else you know outside that circle, that you interact with such as your hairdresser, investment broker, think of people you connect with in your community. You never know who your network knows that lead you to your next opportunity. Expand your interaction outside that circle of people you know, consistently adding new people to the contact list by reaching out to new connections through social media.
Habit #6 Leverage social media
Almost 90 percent of employers use social media for recruiting, and I’m not talking only about LinkedIn. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google plus are also being used by recruiters and hiring managers so, be sure you have a social media presence. LinkedIn is certainly the number one job search social media tool, used not only by the recruiters but it’s a great job search tool for job seekers to find job postings, review companies, find hiring manager contacts, and network with people who may be to connect you with hiring managers. Ensure profile is complete and indicate you’re looking for a job, utilize keywords and hashtags to optimize your profiles. Now, having said that there is a flip side to social media, many potential employers and recruiters check out candidate’s social media profiles to look for red flags. So, When you’re in job search mode now, is the time to do an audit of your digital footprint and make any necessary changes or adjustments to manage your online identity.
Habit #7 Create an action plan
Track your contact with company connections and recruiters, use contact management software an app, or a spreadsheet to ensure you hit your activity metrics reaching out to the right people at the right time. Track your efforts, remember some employers may put out an ad, but then they don’t get round to screening resumes and booking interviews until weeks later, and meanwhile, you’ve applied for several dozen other jobs that’s a lot to keep track of. So if track your actions then you won’t forget where when and who you applied to.
Here’s a hot tip, when you apply to a job posting always remember to make a copy of the posting to be able to refer back to. Once the ads expired or the company takes the posting down, you won’t have access to that valuable information that you’ll need to prepare for your interview. Keep track of your job search activity metrics, by tracking how many conversations you have in-person via telephone, and through email, If you’re not talking to people your job search is not moving forward.
Habit #8 Marketing documents
Have an exceptional resume and cover letter that showcases your skills and accomplishments, these are your number one sales tool. Ensure you have incorporated keywords and phrases that match your job and industry targets. Google job descriptions for target jobs and use company websites from your target industries to research the types of keywords to use.
Habit #9 Prepare for interviews
If, you’ve read some of the other articles then you know one of my favorite mottos when it comes to acing interviews is 75 preparations and 25 percent execution. Highly successful job seekers. Don’t wing it, when you’ve invested so much time and energy determining finding and pursuing your dream job, the last you want to do is blow the interview right. Interview preparation takes time and practice check out my article nail your interview with these 10 examples to prepare success stories for some of the most common interview question categories, and if you get called for a last-minute interview then you definitely want to check out my article. How to prepare for last-minute interview best interview tips last minute.
Habit #10 Stay positive
This can be one of the hardest parts of a job search, you heard me talk at the beginning of this article about how long it can take to find your next opportunity, and when you’ve lost your job unexpectedly it can feel especially scary. Terminations, layoffs, company restructuring or downsizing difficult jobs, and bad bosses happen to everyone at some point. So, know that you’re not alone in what you’re going through; at times you can feel very discouraged. I know how deflating and disappointing it is when you get the call or an email saying, “we’ve chosen another candidate”, so stay active and stay positive. Volunteer consider temporary or contract work not only can these opportunities lead to paying work or full-time, or permanent opportunities, they also help you build your network of contacts, and con provide leads with new people that you have similar interests to. Remember your ideal job isn’t going to come you; you have to get out there and find it. Job search takes time and requires an effort but, you also need to remain positive and be perseverant. You have value; you have a wealth of skills, knowledge, and experience to offer an employer. So if, you’re struggling to stay positive, ask your friends, and family to write down three things they value most about you and take some encouragement from that, and I have a little gift to stay positive and focused in your job search. It’s called the job seekers manifest.
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